Anubis works with embassy, consulate, airport... for a body repatriation in Suriname with the cities of Gakaba, Galibi, Ganiakondre, Geertruidenberg, Gelderland, George Kondre Glasgow Gloria Goddo Goddodrai Godowatra Goejaba Gonoe Gran Slee Granbori Grandam Grankopi Granmankondre Groenkreek Groningen Groot Chatillon Groot Henarpolder Groot Poika Lombe...
Anubis has a contract of a death insurance for body transfer in Suriname in the cities of Gros, Guyanagoudplacer, Gwegwefoetoe, Haarlem, Hamburg Hamilton Hampton Court Hanover Hecht en Sterk Heidoti Herminadorp Herstelling Hildesheim Hoofdkamp Huwelijkszorg Jacobkondre Jagtlust Jaimeskondre Janemale Java Jenny Jodensavanne Johanna-Margaretha Johannesburg Kaaimanston Kabelpont Kalebas Kreek Kalfoekondre Kamaloea Kampong Baroe Kapoesanti Katwijk Klaverblad Klein Chatillon Klein Poika Klokondre Koemboe Kontina Kopi Ondroo Kraka Kronenburg Kwakoegron Kwamalasamutu Kwattahede La Poule La Providence La Ressource La Simplicite Laarwijk Ladoewanie Landsboerderij Langa Hoekoe Langamankondre Langatabbetje Lantiwei Leasowes Leliendaal Lelydorp Lemmiki Leonsberg Loksie Hatti...
A decease is always a tragic event, painful and difficult
to handle in some countries.
No matter the place of death,
Anubis intervenes
immediately and lists all the formalities.
ANUBIS appoints and coordinates the contributors
in order to realize an adapted repatriation without
Anubis estimates the time frames, the costs and always
optimises your budget for the repatriation.
ANUBIS controls the realization of each step and the quality of work of each contributor. But not only this! Anubis also evaluates each quotation of each undertaker in order to obtain THE BEST PRICE.
Do you have any questions? Contact : Anubis
A decease abroad? Contact us!