Anubis works with embassy, consulate, airport... for a body repatriation in Fiji with the cities of Kalambo, Kalokolevu, Kalvaka, Kambariki, Kambisi, Kana Kanathea Kandavu Kande Karoko Kasavu Kavala Kavula Keiyasi Kendra Kese Ketei Keteira Keua Kiombo Kiuva Komave Koro Matamaivere...
Anubis has a contract of a death insurance for body transfer in Fiji in the cities of Koroinasolo, Koroivonu, Koroiyatha Korokula Korolevu Lakemba Lalati Lambasa Lami Lamini Lamiti Langgere Langi Lasakau Laselase Laselevu Lau Lauthala Lauthala Bay Lautoka Lauwaki Lavena Lawai Lawaki Lawangga Lekanai Lekutulevu Levuka Levukaindaku Levukana Lewa Leya Liku Lindiasinga Lingau Lingaulevu Loa Lokia Lomai Lomainasau Lomaji Lomaloma Lomanikaya Lomanikoro Lomati Lomawai Lombau Lomolomo Londoni Longani Lopo Maftoa Makomako Mala Malaka Malakati Malake Malambi Malau Malawai Malevu Maloku Malomalo Malsa’a Mambula Manu Manuku Marama Marou Matai Matailambasa Matailombau Matainananu Matainasau Matainimoli Mataleka Matalolo...
A decease is always a tragic event, painful and difficult
to handle in some countries.
No matter the place of death,
Anubis intervenes
immediately and lists all the formalities.
ANUBIS appoints and coordinates the contributors
in order to realize an adapted repatriation without
Anubis estimates the time frames, the costs and always
optimises your budget for the repatriation.
ANUBIS controls the realization of each step and the quality of work of each contributor. But not only this! Anubis also evaluates each quotation of each undertaker in order to obtain THE BEST PRICE.
Do you have any questions? Contact : Anubis
A decease abroad? Contact us!