Anubis works with embassy, consulate, airport... for a body repatriation in Argentina with the cities of Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Tucuman, La Plata, Aguilares, Alta Gracia, Azul Bahia Blanca Balcarce Bariloche Bell City Bragado Caleta Olivia Campana Casilda Catamarca Chacabuco Chascomus Chilecito Chivilcoy Cipolletti City Bell Ciudad Perico Clorinda Comodoro Rivadavia Concepcion Concepcion del Uruguay Concordia Corrientes Curuzu Cuatia Cutral Co Eldorado Esperanza Formosa General Pico General Roca General San Martin Goya Gualeguay Gualeguaychu Junin La Rioja Lujan Mar del Plata Mercedes Mercedes Necochea Neuquén Nueve de Julio Obera Olavarria Oran Parana Paso de los Libres Pehuajo Pergamino Posadas Puerto Iguazu Puerto Madryn Rafaela Reconquista Resistencia Rio Cuarto Rio Gallegos Rio Grande Rio Tercero Roque Saenz Pena Salta San Francisco San Juan San Lorenzo San Luis San Martin San Nicolas de los Arroyos San Pedro San Pedro de Jujuy San Rafael San Salvador de Jujuy Santa Fe Santa Rosa Santiago del Estero Tafi Viejo Tandil Tartagal Trelew Trenque Lauquen Tres Arroyos Ushuaia Venado Tuerto Viedma Villa Angela Villa Carlos Paz Villa Constitucion Villa Maria Villa Mercedes Villaguay Zapala Zarate...
Anubis has a contract of insurance and welfare for a body transfer in Argentina in the regions of Cuyo Gran Chaco, Mesopotamia, Northwest Argentine Pampas, Argentine Patagonia and the provinces of... Antarctica, Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, South Atlantic Islands, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman ...
A decease is always a tragic event, painful and difficult
to handle in some countries.
No matter the place of death,
Anubis intervenes
immediately and lists all the formalities.
ANUBIS appoints and coordinates the contributors
in order to realize an adapted repatriation without
Anubis estimates the time frames, the costs and always
optimises your budget for the repatriation.
ANUBIS controls the realization of each step and the quality of work of each contributor. But not only this! Anubis also evaluates each quotation of each undertaker in order to obtain THE BEST PRICE.
Do you have any questions? Contact : Anubis
A decease abroad? Contact us!